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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

And so, I finally turned 18..

Grrrr...8:08 PM

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hmm. Woke up from a really terrible dream. I dreamt of me losing someone very important to me. It was so real. I was crying throughout the entire dream. I dreamt of this girl-friend of mine dead. It was so sudden.

In my dream, it seemed like I've lost everything. Going to school alone every morning, have lunch alone at Makan Place, and going back to Bishan alone after school; things that we used to do. I hate that feeling! It was excruciating.

When I woke up from this terible dream, I was in complete daze. I was trying to distinguish what I had just dreamt from reality. I was hoping it was just dream, and indeed it was.

This dream has taught me many valuable lessons. That is, to cherish and treaure those around us, those whose cares for us are genuine. Whether they are your friends or family, we have to be sensitive enough not to hurt ther feelings and if we can, do something memorable and significant that will forever be engraved in their hearts. Because, once they are gone, its only too late to do so and you will only live with regrets. Regrets that you are not able to show them that you appreciate what they have done for you and regrets that they do not know you are.

"Without wearing any mask we are conscious of, we have a special face for each friend." ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Journals, 1843

This is quote that I have taken from the web. Mel, this is for you. You probably have guessed it already, based on the description, that the person whom I dreamt of was you. I was glad that it was just a dream. Thanks for making my life this awesome. I really hope that you will take care of yourself and stay happy and cheerful. Thank you so much.

Best Friend Forever,
Lawrence aka Piggie. ♥    

Grrrr...9:02 PM

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sucky Tutor.

My I&E tutor literally sucks.

What he has done today (so far) to piss me off damn badly:
1. Late for 15 mins.
2. Didn't explain why, let alone an apology.
3. Left us to do our brainstorming while he's sitting at a corner doing his own stuffs.
4. Marked attendance during brainstorming; calling names to himself. I.e. No one can hear him. LOL.

This is how fucked up my IS tutor is. FML.

P.S. I MISS YOU COWIE. Pray for 6pm to arrive faster! *Pulls hair*

Grrrr...11:08 PM

Monday, November 1, 2010

Since I have a 2 hours break now, I've decided to do something 'productive', which is BLOGGING. Yeahh, it has been almost 2 months since I last blogged. There were many interesting happenings. Indeed a lot

First of all, I've made some close friends like Keith, Kenneth and Clarence. You guys probably won't even see this but I hope that we will stay in contact even after we have left the poly.

I remember I used to have many things that I always wanted to try. For instance, places that I wanted to go, foods that I wanted to try, etc. However, due to time constraints, I never had the chance to.

And.... Many thanks to Kelvin, I've tried a lot of new things that I always wanted to or never had the time to. For instance, we have tried patronising some restaurants like New York New York, Porn's Thai, HT, etc. However, though some were not up to my expectations, i'm glad that I've tried. At least for the experience! We also been to many fun places together! Sometimes, I feel that it's always good to let your hair down just for probably a day, to relax, chill and not think of anything that makes you feel stressed or depressed. Thanks Kelvin! We have yet to travel around and try all the food in the world! HAHA.

Not forgetting Melissa the cow, who has been cheering me up when I'm sad or just plain acting retarded to make me laugh. People around her, if you realise, there are always laughters. I'm not a christian but I thank God for sending such an awesome friend to me. Just thinking of her crazy self makes me laugh. Be proud of that cowie! Not everyone can do that! "Tsktsk" HEHE. *Laughs like Rey* (Hope she doesn't sees this) LOL. :X

Okay, to many this post is probably boring but to me, this is where I reflect and write down my experiences and feelings as I embarked on this journey of life.

Something to lighten up the emotional atmosphere! My Birthday party is nearing! I really hope that it would be a success and I hope that those who are attending will enjoy themselves and have fun! That's about all for now.

"I'm a happy boy leading a fruitful and enriching life." :DD

Grrrr...10:31 PM

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My internship started exactly a week ago. Unlike what others told me, my internship for the past 5 days were great and I believe it will definitely be better throughout my stay there. My boss and my colleagues are really nice to me, they are friendly, funny and undoubtedly loving people. They taught me many things and reveived many treats like, Don Chicken Pie, bread from Crystal Jade, bubble tea, etc etc. HAHA. And my awesome boss told me I could work there during my holidays after my inrernship!

2 NUM bags, 2 NUM flip flops, 2 CO singlets, 1 CO flip flop, and 2 plates of nice indonesian dishes are we have indulged in while Kelvin and I were out yesterday! We went to watch the movie, Cats and Dogs! It was really funny, except that the movie is a abit too short? Other than that, I guess it's worth watching. (:

After that, we went to NUM to get our stuff! First we went to the one in Cine, but because the outlet there doesn't have our sizes for the flip flops, we went to the one in Heeren. Later on, we went back to the one in Cine to get our bags! HAHA.

Next we went to get my formal black shirt which I need it for an event next week. Didn't manage to get it because none of any caught my eyes, and so I guess I'm trying my luck again later! We headed back to PS for dinner after that and soon after made our way back to bishan. Slack around at the void deck as usual and something unusual happened! A cat was originally sitting at one corner "meowing" gently and softly(anyone tells me if there's a proper word for that? Brain is 'drowsy'.) but later one started to walk around in circles around us. Suddenly, the cat jumped onto the table! It was so abrupt that the both of us had a bad scare. Kelvin was "bitten" and the cat literally chased him around the void deck. "bitten" because he wore jeans and luckily for him the jeans is thick enough to protect him.

Not forgeting my COWIE, I'm seeing you really soon! Like LATER? HAHA. Miss you a lot and once again, Happy 18th Birthday! <3

Grrrr...10:59 AM

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Note: This awesome blog post is awesomely dedicated to a very awesome person who never fails to bring a smile across my face. She is so awesome you have to read to know why.

Needless to say, an awesome person like her is a kind, selfless and caring girl. With her around, you can hardly feel "emo", because you'll find it HARD to! Instead, there are whole lots of happiness and laughter's in her presence. I'd say being around with her is carefree, and just carefree. She's a great listener cum companion; someone you can talk to when you're bored, someone you can share your problems with when you're down, and of course someone whom you can share your joy with when you're happy.
She's one girl who refuses to admit being slow no matter what. HAHA. She likes to play cookie dozer and coin dozer. I don't know why but she probably finds joy in seeing something being pushed and then drops off. LOL. She's one really crazy girl who likes to amuse people with her funny actions. For instance, she will start dancing whenever I poke her. She likes to say "don't want lahh" when I say "let's camwhore". However, deep inside her heart, she knows she wants it, badly. Because when the camera starts taking pictures, she will automatically or I'd say naturally goes with the flow, coming up all sorts of funny poses and acting like a real whore. HAHA.
She is always trying ways to pinpoint me and my mistakes, so that she can cancel off or get away with the lunch-es she owes me. She is funny when she laughs. Because, when she laughs, she sounds like she has "special needs". LOL. However, despite all these, she is a really really really great person to study with. She does not get distracted easily and always aims to finish what she wants to accomplish for that particular day. With her music on, she is invincible in fencing off unwanted noise and stay focused throughout.
HAHA. I guess I shouldn't proceed any further in case I go on forever. Before I forget, this person is none other then COWIE! Are you touched cowie? I'm blogging this while being sick! I know you are, and I bet you're laughing all the way. I'm awesome, just admit it.

Piggie. ♥

Grrrr...10:30 AM

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Blog blog blogggggg! Didn't wanna' blog today since I already did yesterday but something interesting happened today while with Didi!

Didi has a really bad habit that is, he loves to interfere in what people around him do and often make comments like, "I can do better." ... ...

It all went like this...

I was playing an app in iPhone called Bouncedown. While playing, Didi told me, "I can do better and I even played something more difficult!" And so, the 'challenge' was issued.

The challenge : If Didi is able to beat my high score within 10 tries, I'll get him a shirt. If not, he will get me one.

Well, EXPECTEDLY, he didn't manage to! And I got myself a shirt! WHEE! THANKS DIDI! X)

Moral of this blog post: When your friends are playing any game, let them be. LET THEM PLAY IN PEACE. If not, that's the price you will pay. *looks up*

P.S: Didi agreed to have this blog post((:


Grrrr...10:17 AM

LAWRENCE LIM - SimpleL0ve™

"Arrogance is often the undoing of a would-be victor."

Outta Momma's womb since 16 Nov 1992.

Currently resides in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Diploma in Business Studies.

Author's Says

Welcome to my blog

Imma' simple guy who adores simplicity. I am Lawrence.

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