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Monday, April 26, 2010

It's 2pm now, and here I am, stucked in a little.. pretty.. FREAKING BORING lecture! ...and, ... I had a sudden urge to blog about my BFFs. In fact, there are only two. Without further ado, let me start off with today's topic, *drum roll* ... Definition of BFF. *claps* - Something to be debated.

I pondered, and pondered, and now, I ponder. Bff; Best Friend Forever. What is it? Can everyone has one? So what, if you have one?

below; my views on BFF.

My definition of BFF: Someone I can talk to, about anything; without having the fear of being betrayed. Someone, not hypocritical and fulfils what he/she promises.
** If you meet the criterias above, you're the right BFF for me! (:

A BFF fulfils what he/she promises. For example, Melissa; my BFF, promised to have lunch with me every Wednesday, and so far, promise unbroken. *claps* Bad example, Navin; my BFF, promised to jog with me every alternate days, however, promise broken. *jeer*

A BFF thinks before he/she speaks, lest he/she says something that might hurt his/her BFF, whether it's intentional or not. Do not wish to elaborate further.

A BFF keeps secrets. Whatever I tell you; BFF, don't fucking tell anyone else. If not, I tell you for what fuck?

A BFF will not place studies above you; even though studies is important.

Too tired to think of more. *yawns*

Any POVs? Post at my tagboard!

Grrrr...11:03 PM

Monday, April 19, 2010

What you told me just now, really caused me to wake up my idea. I really ought to reflect on my behaviour. I'm behaving like a sluttish fucker! Cheap. I understand and will try to change. This will keep me from doing it anymore.

I'm bad.

Grrrr...4:24 AM

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hmmm. Since I'm still up and I can't sleep, I shall keep myself occupied by blogging! Shall start with my outing yesterday with Wei Jie and Didi! As usual, it was awesome! Met up with Wei Jie first since someone was late. We had some ice while waiting for didi. Nice nice!

Didi made a bet with me, saying that he will be late for 28 mins, AND HE WASN'T ON TIME, on the time that he was supposed to reach plus 28mins. Lucky you didn't make a bet with me, if not, you'd know what will happen. Tsk.

After that, we had lunch at HK Cafe when did arrive, like finally. The foods there are yummy! But sadly, the bak-ED rice made didi nearly puked. At this very sacred moment of time, someone made a blunder. Oh well, 一山还比一山高, what to do? ><

After lunching, took a train back to Bishan to get my lens from dad. Thanks dad! I don't wish to elaborate what happened to the pair that I was wearing. Gek sim!

Then, we took a train to Vivo for our movie, Date Night! Freaking good cum funny show! Go watch go watch! and, the three of us practically occupied the whole of last row of seats! Empty! In fact, only didi! -> He put his legs on the seats. Tsk right?!

Went to mac after the show since didi said he was hungry. There, we ate and camwhored. All didi's idea. Cam WHORE! :DD

That's about all. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy! Went to "sao mu" today, hence the tiredness. *yawns* Goodnight everyone! (X

Grrrr...7:36 AM

Sunday, April 4, 2010

SOMEONE *stare at the tagboard* asked me to update my blog, and so... Here I am! ((:

Hmmmm. Shall start by blogging about what happened yesterday. Was out with Mel the whole day! YES, THE WHOLE DAYYYY! HAHA. We were supposed to get some stuff but...... (The rest are secrets :X) After that, we walked around practically the whole of Jurong Point and we had our lunch there! 红烧牛肉面! Yumms!
Later on, I was OBLIGED to go to a church service at Suntec with Mel. HAHA. Anyway, Mel had helped me with a lot of things and furthermore, she is, officially my BFF! *claps* We have a lot more places to go together right? MEL! :DD


Up next! Is my yet another awesome outing with my DIDI, Kel! Hehehhes. HAPPY TTM, as always! We went to watch the horror movie, Ju-On. This show... Totally... Made me... Laughed my *** off. It totally sucks to the core! It is not scary at all! Hmph.
After the movie, we went to ICHIBAN for dinner! <<< Officially my FAVE! :DD Tsk! at DIDI. You know what I'm referring to! UWUWUWUW! HAHA!

Sigh. I've been feeling down recently again. Somehow, I just can't help feeling this way. I used to be so confident, but not anymore. I used to be so optimistic, but not anymore. Instead, now, I'm over-possessive, jealous, paranoid and pessimistic. This is how much I have changed. I know I over-reacted most of the time, but, that is because I care for you. I don't wanna' lose you, again. After that incident, I get very depressed and paranoid so easily. Almost breakin' down every single day. I just, want, your attention.

"Tell me baby babe why you wanna' act this way? It seems so crazy after all the love we made.I know I made a mistake when I pushed you away, now my nights are cold since we dont share this bed no more.

Can we try? To get it back right, and I promise I will never leave your side. Cause you're all that I need and I know, right here with you is where I wanna' be."

Lawrence, Signing Off.

Grrrr...9:37 AM

LAWRENCE LIM - SimpleL0ve™

"Arrogance is often the undoing of a would-be victor."

Outta Momma's womb since 16 Nov 1992.

Currently resides in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Diploma in Business Studies.

Author's Says

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Imma' simple guy who adores simplicity. I am Lawrence.

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